My nine things:
one. My lack of time.This is not for pity. This is for honesty. Everyone has self-inflicting ego injuries regarding his/her own life, own person pursuits. I recommend you know yours and write yours.
two. Fear that I will run out of things to say.
three. Inexperience.
four. Lack of education.
five. Fear of rejection letters.
six. Fear of my own stupidity.
seven. Doubt. I should, for once in my life, be focusing on a real career.
eight. Fear that my work is boring because I am boring.
nine. Fear of failure to succeed at anything I pursue.
Then try to keep all of the nine flames out.
I'm liking it! I think I will write mine now. Seriously, we all have doubts and inhibitions no matter where we are, what we do, or how old we are.