Monday, April 4, 2022


I listen and read, read and listen. Then, I rest. 

I must allow the wisdom to flow in and out of me as if I were a bay and it, the words, a sea sogging me, flooding and filling me. Eventually, my soul will swell with satiation and satisfaction. I must then feast upon space and silence until space and silence surround my soul's every cell. Feast and feast and then sleep and sleep. 

Oh how I want to find the babe inside of me - the powerful one unencumbered by culture, external expectations, and the thoughts of others. I want to be that raw, bold, strong wild woman child. I want liberation. And so I listen and read, read and listen. 

And then, I rest. 

A Wise Friend

A wise friend is akin to a book of old wisdom.  A book of bone and soul and skin. A book that breathes and speaks and eats. A book with a so...