Saturday, April 18, 2020

Our Hidden Kingdom of Isolated Boredom

In our hidden kingdom of isolated boredom, I hope to learn how to move with less hurry, how to save urgency for true emergency. I hope to take smaller bites, not shovelfuls. I hope to sip smaller sips, not gulp and guzzle. I hope to walk at a slower pace, not race and race and race. I hope to really see, not scan, and I hope to shut my mouth and shut off my brain and really listen.

Here in our hidden kingdom of isolated boredom, I hope to practice the art of simply being, and doing, but doing intentionally. To choose when to look at my phone, when to write, and when to eat. I hope (more often) to sit, see, and breathe while holding this baby. Currently, I write while he sleeps on top of me. [Sometimes, I multitask to distract myself.] I doubt there is real boredom when one is fully conscious. I'm still very much unconscious. Not physically so, of course, but spiritually. Hence this tendency to do life hastily. But I'm trying.

In our hidden kingdom of isolated boredom, or rather...

In our hidden kingdom of isolated sweetness, I am surrendering to the slowness, to the spaciousness of the present moment.

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