Wednesday, April 14, 2010

a haiku for you

Playfully I point
Sniff. Sniff. She paws the puddle.
My dog eats the frog.


  1. eeww!!!! I found a dead manged mouse on my porch today-I don't know which is worse.

  2. I found a dead bunny rabbit at the end of Mom and Dad's driveway, the morning of Sam's wedding:)

  3. I can't beat that.....

  4. A student of mine facetiously wrote me this a few years ago:

    Haiku is dumb. All
    you have to do is stop on
    the seventeenth syl

    Just thought I'd share.


The Darkest Eggs

Infinite light - it hums within all things. Even the darkest eggs eventually crack, spilling white and yellow. So when you meet or confront ...